Saturday 24 April 2010

"These waves are getting annoying"

said first mate Justin huggins as I took over the helm for my 2am-6am watch. he was't wrong.
We do four hour watches, and there are four of us, so it ends up beig fair. My next one therefore will be 6-10 pm. It's 2.30am now and Dave has just joined me. I'm glad of the company, but he must be crazy. I'd be tucked up in bed!
We are making good speed now. Consistently over 8 knots, while still burning under 6 gallons per hour.

With  no aircon, we open all the hatches, but then it rains. so the choice is too hot or get wet-  the sequence being- sleep open- wake up wet - close sleep- wake up too hot- open again sleep again- wake up wet again- close-give up -sweat -curse- get up grumpy. We saw a tanker and a rainbow yesterday. The tanker was heading straight at us, and captain Mike got on the VHF and politely asked them to change course by 5 degrees  which they did, as did we. I think it was their right of way but I'm not too hot when it comes to the rules of the road.
We are getting thrown around a bit and I just stubbed my toe . @#$%^&* Billions of blue blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon!
Will check the weather site now. These waves are getting annoying!

PS. Thanks for the support Julian- videos v. tricky.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I were with you guys!
    All the best from mountains.
